GitHub Student Developer Pack: A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking Its Perks.

GitHub Student Developer Pack: A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking Its Perks.

Hey there, if you haven't already seized the opportunities provided by the GitHub Student Developer Pack, it's time to make the most of it! This article is here to walk you through the process of claiming your GitHub Student Developer Pack, ensuring you unlock the full range of benefits that come with it. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity!

What is GitHub Student Developer Pack?

The GitHub Student Developer Pack is a collection of free software tools, resources, and services offered by GitHub, a popular platform for version control and collaboration among developers. This pack is specifically designed to support students in tech-related fields and those interested in tech. It provides access to a wide range of software development and technology-related resources at no cost.

How to claim GitHub Student Developer pack

To be eligible for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a minimum of 13 years of age.

  • You must have a user account on GitHub.

  • You must possess a school-issued email address that can be verified, or provide documents as evidence of your current student status.

  • At the point of your application, you must be currently registered in a program that grants a degree or diploma.

Here's how to get the GitHub Student Developer Pack:

  1. Make sure you have a GitHub account and student email, if not, please register on the GitHub website before proceeding.

  2. Access the website then click on "Sign-Up for Student Developer pack" button.

  1. On the next page under Individuals, click on 'Get Student benefits'

  1. You will then be required to login using your GitHub credientials, enter your "email / username" and "password" respectively

  1. Add your student mail, name of your School and give some description on how you are planning to use GitHub then click Continue

Make sure you verify your student email address (a link will be sent to your inbox for you to verify)

  1. Take or Upload a picture of your Valid School ID

Click Upload an Image or Take a Picture to upload an Image of your school ID or take a picture of your school ID respectively.

Feel free to upload a picture of your school ID from your device. If this throws an error, kindly check the file size you are trying to upload.

If you do not have a school ID, you can use your school admission letter or any other academic document that contains your corresponding student details

Once this is completed, move to the next and final Phase.

  1. Click on Process My Application to upload and submit your application.

You should get the confirmation message below.

Congrats on signing up and registering for your GitHub student pack. You should get a confirmation mail in 2–4 days or less.


Benefits of GitHub Student Developer Pack

This student pack includes:

  1. GitHub ( Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management. Benefit Free GitHub Pro while you are a student.

  2. Educative( Gain access to six months of free instruction in more than 60 courses on popular subjects including web development, Python, Java, and machine learning.

  3. Frontendmasters ( Learn advanced JavaScript, Node.js, and front-end engineering techniques to improve your skills. Benefit: All courses and workshops are available for free for six months.

  4. Datacamp, which can be found at Business and individual users of data can benefit from DataCamp. While studying under the world's greatest data scientists, our users develop their data fluency. Benefit: Student subscribers receive a 3-month free trial.

  5. One Month ( Within 30 days, you can learn Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Benefit: subscription that is free for 30 days.

  6. GoRails ( Web developers can learn Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Turbolinks, Stimulus.js, Vue.js, and other programming languages through tutorials. Benefit: All videos and lessons are available without charge for a full year.

  7. Thinkful ( For a head start in your developer career, learn the basics of web development. A web development course will be accessible for one month as a benefit. The GitHub Developer Student Pack has 86 free offerings, and this is just 6 of them. Your student ID or email account will do.

  8. JetBrains ( Professional desktop IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and more. A free subscription for students, to be renewed annually.

  9. Microsoft Azure ( Access to the pack comes with Microsoft Azure's free access to 25+ Microsoft Azure cloud services plus $100 in Azure credit.

  10. PopSQL ( Modern, collaborative SQL editor for your team — write queries, visualize data, and share your results. Benefit: Free Premium subscription for PopSQL while you're a student.

  11. Sentry ( Track errors in every language, framework, and library. Benefit Students enjoy: 50K errors, 100K transactions, 1GB attachments, 500 replays, Team features, 1 yr limit (can renew), Disabled On-demand

  12. Namecheap ( Affordable registration, hosting, and domain management. Benefit 1-year domain name registration on the .me TLD.

  13. DigitalOcean ( Simple cloud hosting, built for developers. Benefit Enjoy $200 in platform credit for 1 year!

  14. ( Domains, Google Workspace, WordPress, DigitalOcean hosting, and more. Benefit Build your online presence with a free .LIVE domain name, free privacy protection, and a free SSL certificate.

And many more ....

In conclusion, the GitHub Student Developer Pack is an incredible resource for students pursuing computer science and related fields. It offers a wide array of valuable software tools, services, and resources at no cost, making it a must-have for students looking to enhance their development skills and productivity.